воскресенье, 3 марта 2013 г.

Отличный ресурс с просмотром кино онлайн в HD 720!

Доброго времени суток, мой уважаемый читатель!
Сегодня хотел бы Вам посоветовать прекрасный ресурс для онлайн просмотра фильмов, сериалов, мультфильмов. Сайт очень удобен в использовании и богат на самые популярные новинки кинематографа!
Встречайте, HD Films Online! ( online-hdfilms.ru )
На этом сайте Вы сможете смотреть онлайн, бесплатно и без регистрации фильмы, сериалы, мультфильмы в хорошем качестве HD 720. Сайт обновляется ежедневно, постоянно дорабатывается для удобства пользователей! Ресурс не будет перегружен рекламой в отличии от других сайтов. Думаю Вам знакомо то негативное чувство, когда заходишь на сайт посмотреть фильм и ПК начинает виснуть из-за безумного количества рекламы на странице!
Добавляйте сайт в закладки и наслаждайтесь просмотром новинок онлайн в отличном качестве HD 720!

суббота, 23 февраля 2013 г.

Заработок на weclickers-просто и быстро!

Добрый день,вечер,или ночь, дамы и господа. Сегодня у вас есть уникальная возможность заработать при помощи собственного сайта. Если же у вас его еще нет-то чего же вы ждете? Сделать его не так уж сложно.На данный момент из всех существующих способов заработка в Интернете заработок на своем сайте– самый прибыльный. Конечно создать сайт и раскрутить его не очень просто, но оно того стоит. В принципе, большинство способов заработка с сайта сводится к продаже трафика, т.е. чем больше у Вас на сайте будет посетителей, тем больше Вы будете с него зарабатывать.
На самом деле этот способ доступен любому человеку. Многие могут сказать, что свой сайт это не для меня, этим занимаются программисты и целые студии.
На самом деле все гораздо проще, изучив обучающий материал "HTML начинающим" данного сайта, Вы сможете без труда создать свой полноценный сайт, который можно будет выложить в Интернет и начать зарабатывать на своем личном сайте. Вы спросите - КАК?
Зарабатывать можно на любом сайте, любой тематики, с любым количеством страниц и т.д. Имея свой сайт можно зарабатывать на контекстной рекламе, партнерских программах, в том числе реферальных программах, на продаже ссылок с главной и внутренних страниц, продаже рекламных мест, продаже своих цифровых товаров. Возможностей огромное количество.
Начав зарабатывать на своем сайте, Вы сможете получить источник пассивного дохода. Дохода, который будет приносить Вам ежедневную прибыль и не будет зависеть от Вашей каждодневной деятельности. Произойдет это конечно не сразу как Вы выложите сайт на сервер. Поработать конечно придется. Как быстро и как много будет приносить Ваш сайт, зависит только от Вас и Вашей целеустремленности. Создать и выложить сайт в Интернет - это только половина той цели которую Вы хотите осуществить. Вторая и наверное более сложная, привлечь потенциальных посетителей и поднять сайт выше по определенным поисковым запросам, то есть раскрутить сайт. На наш взгляд заработок на сайте это один из лучших и перспективных способов заработка в сети Интернет! Ниже предлагаю вашему вниманию ознакомиться с ресурсом с помощью которого Вы уже сегодня сможете начать зарабатывать.
Я могу посоветовать Вам отличный ресурс на котором возможно это все осуществить!
 Weclickers.ru– это сервис, позволяющий рекламодателям размещать различные виды рекламы своих веб-ресурсов, а пользователям возможность зарабатывать на просмотре этой рекламы и выполнении несложных заданий. Каждый пользователь может быть и рекламодателем!
На данном виде ресурса можно зарабатывать как в роли рекламодателя, так и просто просматривая рекламу за деньги. При правильных действиях можно иметь очень таки неплохие деньги без особых затруднений, учитывая что безработица сейчас очень таки распрастраненная вещь. Плюс можно брать в учет вариант просто о подработке, совмещая с гланой работой, учебой и тд.
Заработок на своих сайтах - оптимальный вариант для заработка в интернете. Но для того, чтобы сайт приносил прибыль, придётся потрудиться. Недостаточно создать сайт на укозе и наполнить его скопированными с других сайтов статьями. Сайт, на котором вы собираетесь зарабатывать, желательно расположить на платном хостинге и наполнять его уникальным контентом. Также сайту понадобится раскрутка - увеличение посещаемости, если вы предполагаете зарабатывать на рекламе, либо наращивание показателей ТИЦ и PR, если вы собираетесь продавать ссылки. Конечно, от момента, когда вы создадите сайт, до момента, когда он начнёт приносить заметную прибыль, может пройти немало времени (скорее всего, не меньше, чем несколько месяцев), но ваши усилия многократно окупятся в будущем - ведь однажды созданный и раскрученный сайт способен в дальнейшем приносить прибыль практически без усилий с вашей стороны.
Если у вас есть свой сайт - (а желательно несколько сайтов от 2 и более) - сделайте сразу две вещи, сочетающие приятное и полезное - раскрутите свой сайт и научите его приносить вам реальную прибыль и постоянный доход. Сначала не очень большой доход - но потом все больше и больше. Как говорят и Москва не сразу строилась... Для начала определитесь, что вы хотите. Как Вы уже поняли, для заработка нужна посещаемость и цитируемость. Тогда достаточно продавать ссылки, сотрудничать с системами контекстной рекламы и не о чем не беспокоится.
Нераскрученным сайтам сложнее, и придется здорово потрудиться над наполнением и раскруткой сайта, чтобы сделать его источником дохода.
P.S. Сайты на бесплатном хостинге бесперспективны во всех отношениях и могут только помочь заработать на платный хостинг. Большинство веб-мастеров так и начинает.
На Weclickers.ru реально все это сделать и получать приличные деньги, так что удачи Вам и хороших заработков!

вторник, 5 февраля 2013 г.

How to train your dog to pee outside

Dog is said to be a man's best friend. This is, of course, until it makes a mess of your carpet. While puppies need to be housebroken in order to curb their tendency to urinate indoors, older dogs that are urinating inside can be a bigger problem to stop. Teaching a dog to "do its business" outside is much like teaching a puppy. With some patience and positive reinforcement you can teach an old dog the new trick of urinating outside.

  1. Catch the dog in the act. If you come home and find a mess on the floor and then choose to lecture the dog, it will not connect the mess on the floor to its own behavior. Instead, you need to actually see the dog urinating in an inappropriate place and lecture it. Firmly shout "no" so it realizes urinating is not allowed inside the home.
  2. Kennel your dog when it is not monitored. After it has been kenneled up, lead the dog outside and direct it to the correct place to do its business.

  3. Praise the dog for urinating in the correct area. When you walk your dog, keep some treats in your pocket. After it urinates outside, praise it with treats and affection. If the dog is not on a leash, still monitor its going outside. This way you can be sure that it is actually urinating, not simply playing. After it goes, praise it accordingly.

  4. Control mess by laying "puppy pads" in a discreet area. This is especially important if your dog is resistant to being kennel trained. These are absorbent pads that are scented to attract dogs to do their business there instead of on hard flooring or carpeting. Aarrange several together as a backup until the dog gets the hang of going outdoors. Remove them one by one over several days until there are no more left and it is urinating outside.

How to train your dog to respect you

Many people try to win their new puppy's love by letting the puppy always have its way. The pup is showered with affection and attention because he is so cute and cuddly. Buckets of affection is a wonderful thing for most puppies, but it must be tempered with respect.

If you give in to your puppy's every whim, your pup will never learn self control and self discipline. Your puppy will never learn to respect you. If your puppy does not respect you, it will have no reason to do anything for you. Your relationship will be like two 5 year olds bossing each other around. Just as a child needs a caring parent; an athletic team needs a coach; your puppy needs a leader and a clear social hierarchy.

If you do not take up the role of leader, your dog will; and you will end up with an unruly, disobedient, out of control, often aggressive monster of a dog. Most of these dogs end up living a life of isolation in the back yard because no one can deal with it. They end up at the shelter because either the owner can't live with the dog anymore, or a member of the public has filed a complaint against the dog and government officials have taken the dog away from the owner. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU AND YOUR DOG!

Other people have an equally erroneous misconception of this issue. Instead of showering the dog with love and affection, they think that to earn the dog's respect they must bully, dominate and terrorize the dog into being submissive. A dog treated this way will eventually bite their owner. This is not respect. Respect is not something that is forced. It is won. A dog will not respect someone it does not trust. The old fashioned method of dominance via the alpha roll over does not win respect.

You can win your puppy's trust and respect by asking for simple compliance to basic training commands and through handling and gentling exercises. Of utmost importance, these routines must be predictable as anticipated by your puppy.

Puppy Obedience - Simplified

* Ask your puppy to sit before getting a dog treat or sit before leaving the house to go for a walk. Follow-up by placing your puppy in a sit using your hands if your puppy doesn't comply (no doggy treat of course, if you have to do all the work! But you must still praise your puppy). Pretty soon your puppy will learn the routine and be more than happy to comply, and all the while you are building a relationship of consistency, love, trust and respect. You've got the idea? - expand on it...

* Using your hands, place your puppy in a down and then "examine" your puppy by touching ears, teeth, tail, etc. Let your puppy know this is a fun thing by praising your puppy while you are handling her. An occassional doggy treat while you are handling your puppy should accellerate your puppy's acceptance of being touched and handled. Of course, any biting while handling should receive a resounding "NO" or "Ouch" in a load voice. When the biting stops, tell your puppy what a good girl she is... profusely!

How To Teach Your Dog to Bark on Command

In one of my previous articles we spoke about how teaching your dog to bark on command was all that you needed to ward off any wayward humans looking for trouble.
I am a firm believer that a good bark is all that you need to make your dog appear scary to onlookers.
This is not to be taken lightly and by no means am I encouraging you to have your dog bark AT people! Instead you will just be teaching your dog to bark on voice command and then with a tiny inconspicuous hand signal.
Your dog should never equate people and aggressive behavior!
If you teach your dog to be protective in general you can end up with some very serious behavior problems and a dangerous dog.
But, if you teach your dog to simply bark when asked it can keep attackers at bay.
What You Need:
  • A long line or a tie out
  • Something like a tree to attach the tie out to
  • A toy
  • A Pole and some String
  • Your Dog
Getting Started:

Never ever leave Your Dog Tethered while Unattended.
Frustration often leads to barking, so we are going to use some frustration to teach your dog or your puppy to bark on command.
Take a long line or a tie down and attaching it to something secure, like a tree or a fence post. You will NEVER leave your dog tied out unattended!!
Attach your dog by his wide buckle collar (never use a choke chain, prong collar or head halter) or (better) a harness to the tie down.
Tie his toy to a short pole (PVC pipe, broom stick, etc.) with the string.
Now dangle the toy in front of your dog, whipping it back and forth just out of reach of your dog.
This should be frustrating and at some point your dog is very likely to bark at the toy.
As soon as your dog barks, reward him by allowing him dog to grab and play with the toy for a moment or two.
Then ask him to “Drop It”.
This Dog nearly does a Back Flip for this Ball on a string!
Continue playing this game until your dog is regularly barking.
Now you can add the command “Bark” and if he does so, reward him by playing!
Once he has learned to bark on command you can begin teaching him a small hand signal.
As you say the command show him the hand signal. I bump my thumb against my other fingers, like a dog barking when I say the command.
Later I can drop the verbal command and just touch my fingers together. My dog should have learned to bark like wild-fire until I tell him “quiet”.
This behavior alone helps make me feel secure, and my dog is learning to use his voice on my terms and not directed at any one person. My dog thinks he is barking to play or later for a treat so no aggression is tagged to the behavior!
This can be great fun, and can lead to keeping your loud dog “quiet” as you learn to tell him when it is and when it is not appropriate to bark.

How To Stop Your Dog Eating Dog Poop

Dog Coprophagia is one dog problem that us dog owners hate. To us it's a filthy habit that just doesn't make any sense. I mean why would our much loved pets eat dog or cat poop when we are feeding them perfectly good meals?

Dog Coprophagia (eating feces) is most common in puppies up to a year old, but can occur at any stage throughout a dog's life. For such a wide spread problem there hasn't been much research conducted into how to stop our dogs from eating dog poop.

The good news though for us dog lovers is that there are many proven techniques or training methods we can call on to correct this habit.

If your puppy or older dog has taken a fancy to eating feces, read on...

The techniques below have proven to be an effective way to stop dogs eating dog poop. You should try one method or combine a few until you break your dog's habit. Remember that unecessary punishment or getting angry with your dog does not work - for this or any other dog behavior problem.

  • Feed well balanced and nutritious meals.
  • Try feeding twice a day at regular times rather than only once. 
  • Always keep your dog's living area clean of feces and provide a few stuffed chew toys to keep them occupied. 
  • Be sure to adequately exercise and stimulate your dog - mentally and physically
  •  Teach your dog the basic obedience command "leave it". If you have established yourself as the fair and always consistent leader in your owner-dog relationship, this command will work immediately. To learn how to properly obedience train your dogs try dogproblems.com membership - I have achieved great results using these methods. 
  • A technique I successfully used to stop my mother's Shih Tzu from eating her poop was to put a tablespoon of pineapple in her food. 
  • Apparently pineapple tastes terrible when eaten in poop - can't say I've tried it myself! Other people have used Pumpkin, Spinach, Pickles or Garlic for the same purpose. 

  • Always reward desired behavior.
  • As soon as you see your dog in the act of pooping provide a distraction. Maybe run off on him or call him over to you straight away - you can then praise or reward him. This may be sufficient to break this nasty habit, but you must be consistent using this method. 
  • If you visit your local pet store you will find various products specifically designed for this problem. Forbid and Deter are a couple of products which have proven to help some dogs stop eating feces. 
  • Another method (I haven't tried this one) which you could adopt is to slice your dogs poop length wise and lace it with tabasco sauce or cayenne pepper (don't laugh, apparently it works). 
  • In some cases fitting a muzzle to your dog may help to break a feces eating habit. This method is suitable in times when your dog is off leash, like at the beach or local dog park. 
  • Use the power of "negative association" through the use of a choke or prong collar. Fit your dog with the collar and every time he goes to eat poop give a short sharp tug on the leash. 

  • This correction will quickly teach your dog that eating poop is not a pleasant experience. This is an obedience training technique, you can learn how to properly bond and obedience train your dog with this training resource.
  • Whichever method you try with your dog be sure to be consistent. You must enforce your strategy every time in order to stop dogs eating dog poop. The longer you let this habit establish itself, the harder it will be to break. 
  • One last thing - most dogs do eventually grow out of their poop eating habit, just not fast enough for us owners!

How To Guide Your Dog Work

For most dog owners, the expression "work like a dog" doesn't make much sense. While the typical canine companion certainly gives his owner immeasurable happiness, it's obvious that he lives a life of remarkable leisure. Our pets gracefully go from the carefree days of childhood directly to the rest and relaxation of retirement, skipping the working part of life entirely.

But some dogs happily perform very demanding jobs for much of their life, putting in a full day's work just like the rest of us. Guide dogs, one of the most familiar sorts of working dog, provide an invaluable service to humans. Every day, they help their masters get from place to place more safely.

In this article, we'll find out what the life of a guide dog is all about: We'll see what their job is like, how they are trained and what happens to them when they retire. We'll also learn what we can all do to help guide dogs do their job correctly, and find out about some ways interested people can get involved with raising guide dogs.